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发表于 2014-9-3 17:49:32 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
替代注射型胰岛素的新型药速效吸入型胰岛素AFREEZA. 特点为吸入剂型 . 方便应用和显著效果. 不需要通过注射给药. 更接近人类自身产生的胰岛素.
ALFRED E. MANN 是著名科学家, 是心脏起博器和其他种类的医疗设备的发明家. 是慈善机构ALFRED MANN基金会的设立人.
网站:  http://aemf.org/about-us/the-story-of-alfred-mann    http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alfred_E._Mann
Mann MANN 作为MANNKIND股份公司的董事长. 发明了吸入型胰岛素(AFREEZA). 2007年, AFREEZA获得美国FDA批准认证. 他本人花费了10亿美金.此后 他又耗资10亿美金制造了可携带剂型投放医药市场 . 在美国的制药厂现有年生产能力为37万5千支AFREEZA. 远远满足不了美国医药市场的需求量.
网站:  http://www.mannkindcorp.com/about-us-overview.htm
他计划MANNKIND公司投放350亿美金,建立更大的制药厂 ,扩大AFREEZZA年生产量. 截止至今年6月,公司股票从2美金增至10美金. 2年内增值500%.
网站 AFREEZA : http://seekingalpha.com/article/2265883-mannkind-poised-to-enter-worldwide-insulin-market-with-ultra-rapid-acting-afrezza http://www.forbes.com/sites/samanthasharf/2014/04/02/shares-of-mannkind-intuitive-surgical-soar-on-fda-oks/

前景 :  速效吸入型胰岛素必将代替注射型胰岛素.
全球糖尿病患者约有4亿人. 在美国, 慢性糖尿病患者占人口的10%. 大约有3千3百万患者需要每天用药. 在中国, 发病率近于美国. 有1.14亿患者. 中国糖尿病发病率占全球1/3. 这些病人中每天依赖胰岛素.
1, 速效胰岛素每年在全球创造160亿美金的利润 .并且年增长率7%. 在美国, 胰岛素销售收益为年80亿美金, 且年增长12%.
2, 全球3大生产胰岛素公司已经占据30年生产历史. AFREEZA是唯一可以取代注射型用药的治疗药物.
3, AFREEZA是吸入给药,不是注射. 更方便和易于接受. 效果更好. 速效吸入型胰岛素是唯1可以取代注射型胰岛素的药. 并且更接近人类自身产生的胰岛素.
MANNKIND公司对投资商的要求为:  15亿美金, 第1年: 7千万美金. 余款以后2年内投入.  
投资获利:  买断股份,并且共同开发中国及全球市场销售和建厂生产.
细节,精算及谈判: 可以到美国加州公司地点与ALFRED E. MANN本人,和RICHARD PALI 谈判
the inventor scientist who invented the diabetes insulin inhaler (called AFREEZZA).  As you can see, he also invented the heart pacemaker & many other medical devices.  His name is ALFRED E. MANN.    And his charity is the ALFRED MANN  FOUNDATION : http://aemf.org/about-us/the-story-of-alfred-mann/ http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alfred_E._Mann MANN is Chairman/CEO of his business organization, MANNKIND CORPORATION, that developed the diabetes insulin inhaler (AFREEZA) : http://www.mannkindcorp.com/about-us-overview.htm By 2007, Chairman MANN invested over $1 BILLION of his personal estate to gain FDA approval for AFREEZZA, & since then, nearly another $1 BILLION to commercialize the pocket-sized device to consumers.  Currently, 375,000 units are being manufactured in Connecticut, USA, for the U.S. market : http://www.nytimes.com/2007/11/16/business/16mannkind.html?pagewanted=1&_r=2&;ref=business And MOST importantly, here are the probable profits that will make MANNKIND a $35 BILLION company.   MANNKIND's stock prices shot up 500% in value in April when the FDA voted 13 to 1 to approve AFREEZA : http://seekingalpha.com/article/2265883-mannkind-poised-to-enter-worldwide-insulin-market-with-ultra-rapid-acting-afrezza http://www.forbes.com/sites/samanthasharf/2014/04/02/shares-of-mannkind-intuitive-surgical-soar-on-fda-oks/      PROFITS SUMMARY (from investment articles)  : •Ultra-rapid-acting AFREEZZA will replace needle-based, slower-acting insulin for long-term diabetics in at least one meal out of five, 20% of the long-term diabetic market.  •There are over 33 MILLION diabetics in the U.S. alone, more than 10 % of the population.  •The Chinese market (also more than 10%) contains almost 140 MILLION insulin users, growing at over 12 % per year.  •AFREEZZA will become the insulin of choice with at least 50% of new diabetics WORLDWIDE starting insulin therapy. •AFREEZZA will make MANNKIND worth more than $35 billion in less than 10 years. •$10,000 invested in its stock  (NASDAQ: MNKD - $8.08) today, will be worth $88,000 in less than 10 years :     http://www.wikinvest.com/stock/MannKind_(MNKD) As of June 2014, in the past two years MANNKIND has gone from a $2 stock to over a $10 stock, more than a 500% increase, all done without the April 2014 FDA approval or even a pharmaceutical partnership announcement. The Main Points Guaranteeing AFREEZA's Success : 1. The worldwide rapid-acting insulin market is worth over 16 billion dollars yearly and is growing at around 7% per year. Insulin sales within the United States are over 8 billion dollars per year and are growing at over 12% per year. 2. Three companies currently dominate almost the entire world market and there have been no major improvements in their needle-based injected insulin in more than thirty years. 3. MannKind's AFREZZA is a brand new game changing ultra-rapid-acting insulin that mimics the human pancreas more closely than current insulin. AFREZZA will get in and out of the human body much faster than slower and older insulin which is of paramount importance to diabetics.
AFREEZZA is inhaled and not injected. It's more than just convenience, it's just common sense: Who would want to inject themselves 1,500 times or more per year when they can use the inhaler? A DETAILED INVESTMENT PROSPECTUS SHALL BE FORWARDED TO ANY INTERESTED FIRM. Exclusive global or national territorial partnerships with MANNKIND require an initial investment of $700 million,  plus 2 additional years of  $400 million per year in phased investments,  for a total investment amount capped at  $1.5 billion. Please call the undersigned at any of the numbers below for further information (Chinese & English spoken).  We have a PERSONAL 30 year relationship with Chairman MANN, & all qualified, interested investors will have the opportunity to speak and meet with him DIRECTLY in California, USA, & to visit the manufacturing facility in Connecticut, USA.Rich Pali, CEO Jiao Yu, CFO RichPali AMERICA-CHINA TECH & BUSINESS TRADING CO., LTD., China, a subsidiary of AMERICA-CHINA TECH TRADE (ACTT) GROUP


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